If you are confused between buying ceramic band heaters and mica band heaters, you need to check some considerations before. There are some crucial differences between these two band heaters. So, here are some considering factors you need to check:
Watt Densi
A mica band heater has a higher density compared to a ceramic band heater. It happens cause it has a better heat transfer from the ribbon as the ribbon is tightly clasped between the piece of mica. Plus, this type of heater has less heated area.
When it comes to temperature, ceramic band heaters will withstand a high temperature. You can operate a ceramic band heater up to 1200º F. However, you can only operate the maximum temperature of 800º F with mica band one.
Insulation Options
Insulation option is another crucial consideration when you are choosing a band heater. Most ceramic band heaters have a ⅜” thick paper insulation and a stainless steel sheath. On the other hand, mica heaters don’t have higher efficiency.
Heater Life Expectancy
A heater’s life expectancy is another important consideration. In between these two types of heaters, ceramic one has high life expectancy. Cause this type of heater has coiled resistance wire. However, a mica band heater uses thin resistance ribbons, so it has does not have a long life expectancy.
Ceramic heaters are more expensive compared to mica heaters. It’s because ceramic knuckles are very expensive. On the other hand, mica heaters are cheaper as because of thin sheets. If you are looking for a heater with reasonable price, you can go for the mica one.
You need to check if you can customize the heater as per your requirement. A mica heater can be customized into different sizes. However, when it comes to ceramic heaters, it’s impossible to customize.